Faculty/Staff Profiles

ECE and NNF/ASSIST/FREEDM staff and primary faculty now have editable profiles on the ECE website, in conjunction with a brand new look for profiles. These are typically top results in Google searches for individuals here, so we’re looking forward to helping put your experience and information forward.
If you navigate to your profile (click on yourself at ece.ncsu.edu/staff or ece.ncsu.edu/faculty), you’ll find an “Edit my Profile” link at the bottom, which will let you enter all the information you could possibly want, including a Bio statement, Education, and Awards.
Headshot Photo
Your headshot photo continues to be administered, and in line with the new rollout, we’ll be offering photo opportunities throughout the summer, so if you haven’t had a recent photo, we strongly encourage it with our new setup. Use the link below to sign up for a slot. If you don’t currently show as having a photo, expect to be hunted down.
Photos currently take place in EB2 3033, in front of a white background—so please dress accordingly.
Click here to schedule an appointment
We strongly encourage you to keep this profile up to date with your activities, and should you come across any issues, have content suggestions, or feedback, shoot a message to ecehelp@ncsu.edu.
The Campus Directory information is being used by a multitude of entities on campus, so please continue to ensure that your information is kept up-to-date to avoid any future confusion.

Preferred Name
Please ensure that you are using a full first name (and last name), refraining from using just a single initial – e.g.: use “John” “Smith” rather than “J” “Smith”

Working Title
For Staff:
your working title is the appropriate title for your position (e.g.: Web Developer or Director of Engagement)
For Faculty:
your working title must be your rank, followed if applicable by any departmental or official research center title (separated by an ampersand – “&”).
e.g.: Professor & Deputy Director, ASSIST Center
e.g.: Lampe Distinguished Professor
Work Phone
This should be your office phone number, formatted as: 919-515-3569
Room Number
If your room number contains a suite identifier, format it as: 3210-A, rather than 3210A.
Faculty, please include your relevant research website, formatting it to include the “https://“ – e.g.: https://research.ece.ncsu.edu/adac
Preferred Dept.
While you’re updating your directory listing, also ensure that your “Preferred Dept” is shows as “Electrical & Computer Engr”, rather than the abbreviated option.