
Department Logos

The official ECE logos are available for download and use in departmental material. The old stylized “ece” logo is no longer appropriate for use. The new logo is provided in variations for both light and dark backgrounds. If you’re using it for on-screen material (e.g.: web, video, billboard) you should use the RGB version; if you’re using it for printed material, the CMYK version is appropriate.

Note that the logo should not be stretched or altered in any manner, as this contravenes the University’s branding guidelines.

If you have any questions about logo usage, contact ece-webmaster@ncsu.edu

NC State Logos

NC State provides the various official logos for download, along with the required guidelines for their use. Note that the “Block S” and the Chancellor’s Seal are not appropriate for use in departmental communications as their use is for specific functions only.