Ben O’Neal Receives Friday Award

Ben O’Neal, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering was honored at the Association of Retired Faculty luncheon in May 2017 with the Friday Award, recognizing his continuing teaching excellence in retirement.

The Friday Award, named in honor of UNC System President Emeritus William C. Friday Friday is given annually to an individual chosen by the ARF Board. It was awarded the first time in May of 2010 to President Friday himself. The Award recognizes exemplary accomplishments and contributions made during retirement. Service in retirement activities that go beyond the continuation of one’s prior professional career will be emphasized. The nominee may come from either retired members of the NCSU community or other retirees with distinguished service who may not have been affiliated with the University. The award may be made posthumously and more than one may be made in a given year.

O’Neal is an innovative teacher on two fronts. He continues a course he created that prepares engineering students to become Registered Professional Engineers. Ben has a great passion for engineering registration. Additionally, he is a great role model for students in competence, character, and professionalism. This course has greatly improved the number of students earning their engineering registration. Ben is also an innovative developer and teacher of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute adult education courses that extend beyond engineering.

“When Ben first started teaching for our program, he caught my attention because he modeled the lifelong learning behavior that we hope our members will embrace. Our program is all about ‘second acts’ and making sure continuing education is not just for the working year,” explained OLLI Director Tricia Inlow-Hatcher. “Although Ben’s career and training are as an engineering professor, he chose to teach courses to our students on self- actualization and positive psychology. Ben’s courses encourage student participation and shared learning, creating a collaborative learning atmosphere that is an OLLI ideal.”