Welcome to the ECE MakerSpace
In late 2016, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering opened the ECE MakerSpace in Engineering Building II, consisting of two facilities – the Robert M. Kolbas MakerSpace, and the William F. Troxler MakerSpace. The two spaces serve to provide all of the resources students need to realize electronics and fabrication projects, both for Senior Design and other coursework as well as extracurricular and personal experimentation and creation.
The Kolbas MakerSpace provides all the tools required for students to work on electrical projects with state-of-the-art testing and soldering stations, Pick-and-Place component placement machine, in addition to a dozen 3-D printers to aid in prototyping.
The Troxler MakerSpace allows for fully-fledged fabrication with a complete wood and metal workshop, including a ShopBot CNC router and a WAZER waterjet cutter.
The MakerSpace enables and encourages students to be involved in hands-on engineering projects in their coursework and of personal interest.
MakerSpace Lockers
You will find that we have some of the lockers reserved for official use. Please respect those signs and do not use them. We’ll be using these for pickups and drop-offs (3D jobs, safety glasses, components, packages, etc).
Online Training Availability
- Safety Training: https://reporter.ncsu.edu/link/instanceview?courseID=COE-ECE-MAKE101&deptName=COE&instanceID=000635
- 3D Printing Training:https://reporter.ncsu.edu/link/courseview?courseID=COE-ECE-MAKE201&deptName=COE.
- 3DPrinterOS: https://www.3dprinteros.com/ 3D Printers are limited to ECE students only.
- Wazer Training: https://reporter.ncsu.edu/link/instanceview?courseID=COE-ECE-MAKE202&deptName=COE&instanceID=000001
Need Access to the Spaces?
Taking the online Safety Training will grant you access to the Spaces within 24 hours of working days.
Need help or additional training?
Contact Dzung Nguyen, the MakerSpace Coordinator, at ecehelp@ncsu.edu