Enrollment Contacts
If you have problems getting into a class for which you have met the prerequisites and restrictions, please contact the program offering that class, using the information below. Include your name, student ID, and preferred section(s) — lecture, lab, and problem session, as appropriate — in your communications, where applicable. For departments not on the list below, please email the Coordinator of Advising for that department.
Please contact ece-undergrad@ncsu.edu if any of these contacts don’t work. People leave the university without us knowing and we may need to update the contact.
- Biology (BIO): BioSciHelp@ncsu.edu
- Biomedical Engineering (BME): Nita Bhave (nita_bhave@ncsu.edu)
- Chemistry (CH): chemundergradoffice@ncsu.edu
- Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering Department (CE): Civil, Construction and Environmental Enrollment Request Form
- College of Textiles (TEX): College of Textiles Request Form
- Communication (COM): Reach out to the instructor of the course and Donise Benton (dtbenton@ncsu.edu)
- Computer Science (CSC):
- Moodle Request Site for E115, CSC 116, CSC 216, CSC 226, CSC 230, CSC 316, CSC 236 & CSC 246
- For all other course requests, Ms. ToniAnn Marini, tamarini@ncsu.edu
- English (ENG):
- For ENG/FLE 101: firstyearwriting@ncsu.edu
- For all other ENG classes: undergrad-english@ncsu.edu or Samantha Blackburn (slfowle4@ncsu.edu)
- Health and Exercise Studies (HES*):
- If you are GRADUATING or there is an extenuating circumstance that requires you to take a HES course, and you cannot enroll yourself, please email Dr. Renee Harrington: rnharrin@nscu.edu.
- If you would like to take a HES class, and all classes are full, you can attend the first day and see if the instructor is able to add you to the class.
- Note that some classes that utilize equipment are LESS likely to be able to add students in this way. Classes like HESF 101, HESF 102, HESF 105 and HESF 113 are some of the best choices if students are hoping to score an extra seat.
- You can also consider a summer class, as there are some distance options open to on campus students.
- History (HI): Kelly Taylor (kjtaylo4@ncsu.edu)
- Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE):
- ISE Forms Website: https://www.ise.ncsu.edu/myise/forms/#undergraduate
- Dr. Kanton Reynolds: ktreyno2@ncsu.edu
- Interdisciplinary Studies (AFS, ARS, IDS, IS, NPS, STS, WGS): Mr. Bruce Cheek (wbcheek2@ncsu.edu)
- Marine Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (MEA): Maggie Puryear (maggie_puryear@ncsu.edu)
- Math (MA): Math Course Enrollment Request Form
- Materials Science Engineering (MSE): Hillary Stone (hmstone2@ncsu.edu)
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE): https://go.ncsu.edu/mae-enroll-nonmajors
- Philosophy and Religious Studies (LOG, REL, PHI): philos_relstuds@ncsu.edu
- Physics (PY):
- PY Enrollment Request Form
- Special requests outside of the form: Dr. Jason Boschinksi (jrbochin@ncsu.edu)
- Poole College of Management (ACC, BUS, MIE, EC): poole_scheduling@ncsu.edu
- Psychology (PSY):
- Initially the department reserves a large number of seats in most classes for Psychology majors and minors. Many reserved seats will eventually be released after all students have had a chance to enroll. Students should please not reach out to instructors or the Psychology advising office to request enrollment in classes with seat reservations if the available (non-reserved) seats are gone. Instructors and advisors have no say in who gets into a class and cannot override seat reservations. Students should enroll in the sections/classes with available (non-reserved) seats instead or join the waitlist when available.
- School of Public & International Affairs (PA, LPS, PS): ps_advising@ncsu.edu
- Statistics (ST): ST Enrollment Request Form
- Social Work (SW): socialwork_office@ncsu.edu
- Sociology & Anthropology (SOC, ANT): Stephanie Jares (sjares@ncsu.edu)
- World Languages & Cultures:
- International students who need their Foreign Language Proficiency evaluated should complete the FL Native Fluency Waiver Form.
- Angela Murray (admurra2@ncsu.edu)