Coming soon to a screen near you! If you haven’t already heard, NCUR 2021 will be delivered as a digital event, NCUR @Home on April 12-14, 2021. This is an exciting opportunity for thousands of undergraduate researchers from all disciplinary corners to get together for a unique virtual conference experience. Participants will gain experience presenting their research to a broad audience, opportunities for professional development including a virtual graduate school fair, networking sessions with other students and faculty in their fields, and more!
- SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT Submissions are open. Submit as an individual or part of a research group (if submitting as a group, all co-presenters must create separate NCUR user accounts).
- Abstract Guidelines for 2021 Submissions
- Abstract Guidelines for 2021 Re-Submits [If you were previously accepted to present at NCUR 2020, you will be automatically accepted to present at NCUR 2021 @Home, but you MUST review and resubmit your 2020 abstract in order to be accepted again.]
APPLY! NCUR 2021 Registration Award
Available to current NC State University undergraduate students to present their undergraduate research at NCUR 2021 @ Home virtual (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research at NC State.
If awarded, the OUR will cover the cost of early rate registration.