The Augustus M. Witherspoon Graduate Scholarship – Now Accepting Applications

The Augustus M. Witherspoon Scholarship

The Black Alumni Society plans to award at least $1,000 to graduate students for the 2020-21 academic year. The scholarship is renewable.

Apply today for the Augustus M. Witherspoon Graduate Scholarship

  • Have completed 18 hours of graduate-level work by July 15, 2020. At least 12 hours on the student’s approved plan of study successfully completed.
  • Meet the GPA minimum requirement of 3.3.
  • Exhibit financial need.
  • Demonstrate involvement in research via authority or co-authority in a study published in a refereed journal or presented at a conference at the regional or greater level (this criterion may be substituted by a statement of involvement in research with the intent to publish or present from a graduate level faculty staff)
  • Provide one recommendation from NC State faculty in the student’s area of study

Application Due on July 15th at