NC In-State Residency

To obtain Residency for Tuition Purposes, refer to the Residency for Tuition Purposes website.
Refer to the North Carolina Residency Handout to determine if you qualify as a legal North Carolina Resident.

US Citizens and permanent residents are strongly encouraged to apply for North Carolina Residency for tuition purposes as soon as possible. International students not in F-1 immigration status may also be eligible to apply for in-state residency. Refer to “Specific Exceptions” section on the graduate school’s resident website for more information. Even if you are receiving a departmental assistantship and are not paying your own tuition, it is important to the ECE Department and The Graduate School that you apply for North Carolina Residency. The difference between NC resident tuition and non-resident tuition for a full-time graduate student is approximately $6,000 per semester.

Students who are eligible to obtain In-State Residency should refer to the Graduate School’s Residency for Tuition Purposes webpage. The forms and procedures explained on this page are intended primarily for students who are currently enrolled as non-resident students for tuition purposes but who are desiring to seek a change in tuition residency classification to in-state status. The Graduate School’s Residency Officer handles all residency reclassification requests. Contact the Residency Officer via email at: