Call for Nominations: Fall 2020 Mentored Teaching Fellowships

Due to COVID-19 the Mentored Teaching Fellowship program was placed on hold.  
We are now reopening the program and are sending a call for nominations due by June 30th. I understand that this can be a challenging time  to obtain signatures so if that is the reason for holding up your application please feel free to contact me and we can work something out.  

The goal of the MTF Program is to provide engineering graduate students with an opportunity to gain teaching experience, beyond that of a regular teaching assistant prior to entering an academic career. The previously “expected” paper submitted at the completion of the course offering jointly by the professor and the student will now be mandatory

The College is now accepting applications for the Fall 2020 Mentored Teaching Fellowships (MTF) Program. The deadline is Tuesday, June 30 at noon. Ten MTFs at $1000 each, per semester, will be offered ($200 monthly).

Please send all submissions to Kristen Rivers electronically at  Submissions should be sent by faculty or staff.