Deliveries & Mail
Work Location
It’s very important for all ECE employees — faculty, staff, and graduate assistants — to have their work location set correctly in MyPack. This allows packages and mail to be delivered to the correct location, impacts directory listings, and impacts which of our building email lists you’re automatically subscribed to. To check and / or fix this information:
- Go to and login.
- Make sure you’re in Employee Self Service
- Select the “Personal Details” tile
- Click on “Work Location” tile.
- Make sure that your Office location correctly lists your building and office number.
While you’re in there, make sure your Campus Box is set correctly:
- Under Work Location, find “Business Mailing Address”
- Click on Campus Box
- Update your new campus box and save. See below for our list of primary buildings and their associated Campus Box numbers.
Engineering Building II (EB2)
Mailing Address (use for US Postal Service):
Note that this should only be addressed to faculty and staff member—see “Incoming Mail” below for details.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Box 7911
- NC State University
- Raleigh, NC 27695-7911
Delivery Address (use for FedEx/UPS):
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 3114 Engineering Building II
- 890 Oval Drive
- Raleigh, NC 27606
Loading Dock
The Engineering Building II loading dock is located on the East side of the building, and is accessible from Blair Drive. Note that the dock is shared by both Engineering Building II and Engineering Building III, so avoid extended stays.
The dock is equipped with a hydraulic lift.
Exact GPS coordinates are: 35.771394955903745, -78.67301113408638
Monteith Engineering Research Center (MRC)
Mailing Address (use for US Postal Service):
Note that this should only be addressed to faculty and staff member—see “Incoming Mail” below for details.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Box 7914
- NC State University
- Raleigh, NC 27695-7914
Delivery Address (use for FedEx/UPS):
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 423F Monteith Research Center
- 2410 Campus Shore Drive
- Raleigh, NC 27606
Plant Sciences Building
Mailing Address (use for US Postal Service):
Note that this should only be addressed to faculty and staff member—see “Incoming Mail” below for details.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Campus Box 7825
- NC State University
- Raleigh, NC 27695-7825
Delivery Address (use for FedEx/UPS):
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 840 Oval Drive, Room 1152
- Raleigh, NC 27606
Keystone Science Center
Mailing Address (use for US Postal Service):
Note that this should only be addressed to faculty and staff member—see “Incoming Mail” below for details.
- FREEDM Systems Center
- Campus Box 7571
- NC State University
- Raleigh, NC 27695-7571
Delivery Address (use for FedEx/UPS):
- FREEDM Systems Center
- 1791 Varsity Drive
- Raleigh, NC 27606
Incoming Mail
Faculty and staff with Campus Box 7911 have mailboxes in either the EB2 or MRC mailrooms that collect both USPS mail and campus mail—please check your box regularly to avoid space issues. Incoming mail is not supported for students due to regular turnover—all correspondence for students should be directed to their home addresses (or simply emailed).
Sending Mail/Packages
UPS will pick up for free if they are already coming to do a drop-off. FedEx requires a pick-up to be scheduled and that pick-up often doesn’t happen that day unless you get it scheduled first thing in the morning. USPS mail must be metered (can’t ship out using stamps) if picked up from the building.
Mailing from EB2 and MRC is intended only for official business-related mail/packages. The Partners Parking Lot contains dropboxes for UPS, FedEx, and USPS, all of which are picked-up from daily—2pm for USPS, 6pm for UPS/FedEx.
![Location of Drop Boxes for USPS, UPS, and FedEx](
Pallet Recycling
- MRC — Pallets can be vertically stacked against the far west side of the loading dock (left side facing the dock.)
- EB2 — Pallets should be placed on the EB2 dock (east end) leaning against the wall of the building.
We ask that they are stacked neatly, please. We also ask that you please tell your students to move them into place. This isn’t something we should need to do for you after you’ve unpackaged your research devices.
Waste Reduction & Recycling (WRR) will pick up one or two pallets at a time from any building, up to ten pallets per building per month — this limit is because on their regular recycling routes their folks can fit one to two pallets in the back of the truck without having to make a special trip. For the most part, the department will not get charged for the disposal of pallets as long as the instructions above are followed.
Shipping Crates
Shipping crates are a slightly different case.
- Please do not store crates in hallways or in dock receiving areas. If you need to temporarily (or long-term) store your crate, we expect you to do so within your research space.
- Any shipping crates that are to be disposed of must first be broken down into pieces, then placed near the regular pallet areas above. ECE expects PIs to ask their research students to assist with this process. If your folks are not able to dismantle the crate (normally just need to remove some nails or screws — which they probably had to do to open it in the first place…), then you may send a request to for assistance and Jessica will come to help your students (she won’t do it on her own).
- Disposal of crates is outside of the scope of normal NC State Recycling operations, so we need to pay them to come to pick up the pieces. For this reason, please email us at to let us know when you have left a crate out for pickup.