By ECE News<img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy">The Goodnight Scholars Program at NC State revealed the 75 recipients from 34 NC counties selected for its new traditional and transfer cohorts—with nine of those excelling students choosing to major in ECE. |Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy">Congratulations to ECE's Elijah Bouma-Sims on being awarded the College of Engineering's 2021 Outstanding Senior Award for the Humanities! |Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<img width="1024" height="682" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy">Congrats to the UV Scope team of NC State engineering undergraduates who are developing a hand-held UV spectrometer won first place in the ACC InVenture Prize Competition. |Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<img width="1024" height="682" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy">Meet the team of computer engineers and biomedical engineers representing NC State at the ACC's InVenture Prize competition—and you can participate to help them with the $5000 People's Choice award. |Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<div><img width="2000" height="1333" src="" alt=""></div>Hear from Britanya Wright, one of ECE's seniors and Goodnight Scholars as she recounts her journey or curiosity beyond the classroom while undertaking undergrad research in the NNF. |Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<div><img width="2000" height="1172" src="" alt=""></div>With Design Day on the horizon, one team got to present its work-in-progress to its sponsor at the Fall Industry Meeting of CAPER in Charlotte. Check out more Senior Design projects at McKimmon on Dec 6, 1-4pm. |Smart, Undergraduate Students
By ECE News<div><img width="2000" height="1333" src="" alt=""></div>Working with NC State's OIT, a team of undergraduate students in Senior Design put together an innovative solution to check high-tech teaching tools in over 150 classrooms across campus. |senior design, Student life, undergraduate, Undergraduate Students
By Maimoona Almontaser<div><img width="2880" height="2160" src="" alt=""></div>Take a peek at the process and projects that the seniors of ECE have come up with for Design Day on April 26th. |Awards, scholarship, sensus, Undergraduate Students
By Trudi Brown<div><img width="1381" height="919" src="" alt=""></div>This fantastic scholarship sponsored by Sensus covers one year of tuition and fees for two promising Triangle-area engineering students. |Events, project, senior design, Undergraduate Students
By Maimoona Almontaser<div><img width="2000" height="1330" src="" alt=""></div>Take a look inside some of the projects that will be showcased at ECE Senior Design Day on December 7th.