Contact: ECE-Purchasing@ncsu.edu
The ECE Purchasing Team processes all purchasing, shipping, invoice payment, publishing, and travel booking for the department. All requests for purchasing, shipping, invoice payment, and publishing are processed through the ECE Purchasing Request Form. http://go.ncsu.edu/ece-purchasing Visit the Purchasing tab for details about this process.
All Purchasing and Travel must be preapproved.
All Travelers must have an approved Travel Authorization before travel begins. Travelers should submit their travel authorization at least 2 weeks before the departure date.
You will need to know what project you are traveling or purchasing on. You will need to follow the procedures in place for each group. Details regarding traveling and purchasing on ECE, ASSIST, FREEDM, and PowerAmerica accounts can be found in the Travel and Purchasing tabs.
Purchasing is to be completed by a member of the Purchasing Team. Students and Faculty should not be placing orders.
All questions regarding Travel and Purchasing should be directed to ece-purchasing@ncsu.edu. This email is monitored by all members of the Purchasing Team.