

Gifts include all unrestricted and restricted gifts received from individuals, non-governmental organizations or other organizations.

The characteristics of a gift are that it (1) is given voluntarily, (2) does not impose on the University any responsibility, either written or verbal to generate a tangible product or service, such as a report of research results, and (3) is not considered an exchange transaction or contract where something of like value is provided in return for the gift receipt.

Generally, gifts fall into two broad categories including (1) funds received to support the educational, research, and extension programs of the University and (2) funds received which may be used at the discretion of the account custodian, to support any legal activity in support of a specific department, college, or the University.

Gifts are subject to the donor’s requirements. Expenses incurred from gift funds must be supported by the account custodian with adequate documentation to ensure compliance with the donor’s restrictions and / or conditions.  These funds should not be used to personally benefit the account custodian or for non-university business purposes.

The ECE Finance Manager and Lead Accounting Technician will work with Faculty and Staff when receiving gifts and to initiate the gift process.  Faculty and Staff can email their inquiry to ECE-Finance for assistance.